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Hog Fence Requirements

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Hog Fixed Knot Smooth Electric Wire Field Fence Tips & Tricks

Hog fencing options vary based upon the need of the farm to confine or exclude. The rise in feral hog issues in the past decade means an increased need to design exclusion fencing to protect other animals and crops from these nuisance animals. Pastured hogs raised for food generally require less fencing than what is needed for excluding feral hogs. 


Hogs being raised for food can be contained with a wide variety of options, including 3 or 4 strands of electric fence.  Using a fixed knot product provides the strongest option. A strand of 3 inch spaced barbed wire is recommended for the top and bottom.

An apron fence needs to be added when keeping feral hogs out, as they will root under the fence for access.


Post spacing is another important aspect to consider, for hog applications we recommend 12’ to 20’ depending on the wire choice. Spacing  between line wires on your woven wire fence can be 3”, 6, or 12” with graduated spacing bottom to top. 


  • 35-48"


Best Option

Good Option