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Our Barbed Fence Staples are made from premium 8 ga Bezinal® coated wire. These barbed staples feature single or double barbs to maintain fastening and provide easy driving. Shorter staple lengths are suitable for hardwood posts, while longer staple lengths are suitable for softwood posts.
Our Knurled Fence Staples are made from economical 9 ga Class 3 galvanized wire. These Knurled Staples are grooved along the legs for better fastening and longer hold.
Panel staples, a new option from Bekaert, are manufactured from heavy duty 6 ga Bezinal® coated wire. Panel staples are specifically designed to work well with fence panels such as cattle panels or hog panels.
15 items
15 items
Bekaert 1.5" 8 ga Double Barbed Staples (75 ct/tub)
$ 10.00 per each
Bekaert 2" 8 ga Double Barbed Staples (8 lb bucket)
$ 23.00 per pail
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